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What is an electronic car cover

What is an electronic car cover

 What is an electronic car cover, how is it installed and what are the disadvantages of electronic car covers,Everyone thinks it is easy to use and better than usual. We know it's a Chinese product, everyone buys it based on ads in sponsored videos and it's unique to maintain and easy to use.It protects the car from disturbing wind factors, extreme heat and rain, and we think that it is electronic, so it saves time and effort.

What is made up of the electronic car cover contains the following:

  • The most important notes are inaccurate sizes.
  • The fabric material used is not waterproof, too thin, too light and suffers from fitting in the event of a wind.
  • The response of the device is very slow during closing and opening.
  • For safety from theft, the device makes a sound if someone touches it.

Contains charger, battery, remote control, solar panel and flashlight to use.

HOW TO USE Place the device on top of the car and turn it on with the car hood remote control and wait 30 seconds to initialize the device with the option to open, close, mute and turn it on.

What is an electronic car cover

How to use the electronic car cover and is it a good technique to use.

Before buying, the image suggests that pressing a button opens the device and pressing a button closes the device. This is not true. You must intervene and help the device by collecting and folding the cover. After using it for a while, it doesn't work as it should for us.Who can benefit from using this device.

What is an electronic car cover

The device is tired and unsuitable and its weight is not light about 4 kg.

If you leave it for a long time, the battery charge needs to be charged.His techniques are very poor, and I hope I helped you.We always need a car cover that is easy to use and light to carry. We do not recommend using the electronic car cover because it is heavy and uncomfortable.
