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Volkswagen Golf R Specifications, Disadvantages and Price


Volkswagen Golf R Specifications, Disadvantages and Price

Volkswagen Golf R Specifications, Disadvantages and Price.Despite the capabilities and capabilities of the Volkswagen Golf R, we were surprised to discover after a while that the plastic cover of the Volkswagen Golf R was placed on the engine and sticks out of its place and is unstable and causes an engine fire.

How much is the Volkswagen Golf R. 

Volkswagen Golf R is not cheap, so 200,000 dirhams and more. We will talk about the specifications and disadvantages.

Volkswagen Golf R Specifications, Disadvantages and Price

What are the specifications and disadvantages of the Volkswagen Golf 2022 R.

  • The amount of savings is unexpected, it is the all-wheel drive system that comes with a powerful engine, which means that it is more sporty.
  • The grille is completely open to the air from the front.
  • The changes to the doors of the previous generation are very simple and not sophisticated.
  • The rear profile is streamlined with the letter R emblem, and a sports spoiler is available.
  • The design of the exhaust car is very ordinary.
  • The fuse is in the middle at the back, its size is small, if it was a medium size it would have been better.

On the outside, blue is the dominant color, both on the inside and on the chairs.The interior of the Volkswagen Golf R is absolutely bad.The adjustment is a line in one direction to the other, we note that there are not many buttons since they are all built into the display, and the small car start button is not at all practical. And the amount of plastic in the middle is completely empty.The steering wheel is very unique and more practical if it comes with a few extras, but the doors of the Volkswagen Golf R look like empty plastic. The chairs are handmade from plastic, because the price of the car is simple, they made it simple.

Volkswagen Golf R Specifications, Disadvantages and Price

What do you know about the Volkswagen Golf R inside.

Things Done Inside the Volkswagen Golf R There are many practical things we don't expect inside the Volkswagen Golf R. The storage spaces in the doors are too large for a 1.5 liter water bottle and the central storage space is very practical. The driver gauges are very nice and there is a trunk inside the car from which you can access the trunk of the car.

Volkswagen Golf R Specifications, Disadvantages and Price

What is the horsepower and engine type on a Volkswagen Golf R

 The horsepower of the Volkswagen Golf R is 315 horsepower and the torque is 420 Nm. The type of engine is the same as the engine on the GTI, but the turbo is different, the engine capacity is 2 liters and 4 cylinders.

Volkswagen Golf R Specifications, Disadvantages and Price

They discovered that the car cover causes engine fire. So what did the Volkswagen Golf R manufacturer do? There is no plastic cover for the entire engine inside. The golf club became exposed to the engine to solve the problem of fire. The company promised to come up with a new design for the engine in the coming years. The specifications of the car, if it stayed on the previous generation, is better for the gear and the engine.The car is superbly functional. It can distribute the power in a volume of 50% to the rear axle, as well as 100% to the right and rear. The power while driving is distributed to the right and left according to the steering wheel.
